4 Legit Startup Funding Options for Your Business!

So, you’ve got this killer business idea, but there’s just one little hiccup, and that is, “You need cash to kick things off.” Starting a new business is an exciting experience, but it often comes with significant financial ups and downs. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to explore different means to secure the perfect amount of capital for their business. In this article “4 Legit Startup Funding Options”, we will be going lowdown on options that could prove beneficial for your business’s success.

Best funding for startups

What is Legit Startup Funding Options?

So, what exactly is startup funding? It’s the financial support that entrepreneurs seek to launch and grow their businesses. It can come from various sources with unique terms and conditions. Understanding the different types of startup funding is important for entrepreneurs so that they can make informed decisions about the financial hereafter of their businesses.

Importance of Startup Funding

Why is it a big deal? Well, securing a handsome amount of funding may prove to be beneficial for both your startup’s survival and success. It can allow you to cover initial costs, invest in research and development, and deal with the challenges your business might face along the way. On the other hand, proper funding can also attract top talent, promote innovation, and provide a buffer against unexpected setbacks. You can think of funding as the oxygen for your startup. It’s what keeps your Business’s heart pumping, the gears turning, and the dream alive.

Types of Startup Funding available for Business

Today, entrepreneurs have a great mass of funding options to choose from. Whether you prefer to pick Bootstrap, seek angel investors, examine venture capital, use crowdfunding, opt for small business loans, tap into government grants, or form strategic partnerships, it’s all up to you. Each option comes with its own set of pros and cons. The key is to understand these options thoroughly and choose the best one according to your business goals.

Now, here’s the real part – there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to funding. So, let’s examine the collection of startup financing options for your small business that we curated specially for new-world entrepreneurs, shall we?

1. Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping is one of the best options for raising money, where entrepreneurs use their own resources to fund their startups. The resources might include personal savings, loans from friends and family or revenue generated by the Business. This approach allows for greater control and autonomy but requires careful financial management. But in the end, it’s just no frills, no fuss – just good old-fashioned hustle using everything you have access to.

Pros and Cons of Bootstrapping


  1. Bootstrapping provides business owners with the freedom to make decisions without external influence.
  2. Bootstrapped businesses are generally more cost-conscious and operate with leaner structures, which in turn makes them more agile and adaptable.
  3. Since bootstrapping involves using personal savings or revenue to fund operations, there’s no debt incurred, and founders don’t need to give up equity.


  1.  Bootstrapping can limit the scale at which a business can operate due to limited capital.
  2.  The growth of a bootstrapped business may be slower compared to businesses that have access to external funding due to limited resources.
  3. Entrepreneurs involved in bootstrapping may take on multiple roles, which may lead to an increased risk of workload burnout.

2. Angel Investors

Angel investors are persons who provide financial support to startups in exchange for a specific amount of equity or convertible debt. Understanding their motivations and expectations is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking this type of funding.

Now, let’s discuss strategies on how to find and approach angel investors. Finding and approaching angel investors requires a well-thought-out approach. Here are the steps you can take:

Finding Angel Investors​

  1. You can attend industry events, conferences, and networking functions to connect with potential angel investors. Moreover, you can also join professional organizations related to your industry can also provide valuable connections.
  2. You can also use online platforms designed to connect entrepreneurs with investors, such as AngelList, SeedInvest, or Crowdcube. For this purpose, you have to create an effective profile for your Business on these platforms.
  3. You might also want to research and reach out to angel investor groups in your region. These groups often consist of experienced investors who pool their resources and expertise to support startups.
  4. You can also engage with local business chambers, incubators, and accelerators. These organizations often have connections to angel investors and can facilitate introductions.

Approaching Angel Investors

  1. It’s a good idea to create a broad business plan that outlines your business model, market opportunity, financial projections, and growth strategy. Investors want to see a crystal-clear plan for success.
  2. Also, consider preparing an engaging and to-the-point pitch deck. In this pitch, you can highlight key information about your Business, such as the problem you’re solving, your solution, market validation, revenue model, and the investment you are seeking.
  3. Whenever possible, always seek warm introductions to angel investors through your network. A recommendation from a mutual contact can greatly increase your credibility.
  4. Whatever you do, just don’t be foggy. You have to be transparent about the risks and challenges your business may face. Honest and open communication can promote trust with potential investors.
  5.  After an initial meeting or pitch, follow up professionally and promptly. Provide any additional information requested and demonstrate your commitment to the Business.

3. Venture Capital

Venture capital (VC) is a famous funding option for startups with high growth potential. We’ll provide an overview of how venture capital works, the types of startups VC firms typically invest in, and the stages of funding they offer.

The venture capital funding process can be complex. We’ll break down each stage, from the initial pitch to due diligence and the closing of the deal. It will help you prepare for this rigorous process.

Step 1: Develop a solid business plan and pitch deck.

Step 2: Research and network to find suitable venture capital firms.

Step 3: Reach out with a compelling introductory email or call.

Step 4: Attend initial meetings, undergo due diligence, and provide requested information.

Step 5: Receive a non-binding term sheet and negotiate investment terms.

Step 6: Undergo legal due diligence and finalize investment documents.

Step 7: Sign agreements and transfer funds.

Step 8: Implement any agreed-upon changes, keep investors informed, and maintain regular communication.

Pros and Cons of Seeking Venture Capital

While venture capital can provide meaningful financial support, it also comes with certain drawbacks. These drawbacks may include loss of control and pressure to meet aggressive growth targets. Let’s find out the pros and cons to help you make informed decisions.


  1. Venture capital can give access to substantial capital that can fuel rapid business growth, product development, and market expansion.
  2. In addition to funding, venture capitalists often bring valuable industry expertise, networks, and strategic guidance to help the company succeed.
  3. Securing venture capital funding can improve the company’s credibility. It will make it more attractive to customers, partners, and other investors.
  4. Venture capitalists share the risks and rewards of the Business they have invested in.


  1. Venture capital funding typically involves giving up equity, which can lead to a dilution of ownership and control for the founders.
  2. The due diligence process can be extensive and intrusive. It often requires transparency and thorough documentation of the company’s operations.
  3. Venture capitalists often expect a high return on investment. They put pressure on the company for rapid growth, and this sometimes leads to short-term decision-making.
  4. Venture capitalists typically expect an exit event, such as an acquisition or IPO, which may not align with the long-term vision of the founders.

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is another startup financing for your Business. It has emerged as a democratized funding option. It allows business owners to raise funds from a large number of individuals. We’ll discuss the three main types of crowdfunding—equity, rewards, and donation-based- and some major crowdfunding platforms for your Business.

1. Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is a method of fundraising where a company offers ownership shares to individuals who invest money. Contributors become shareholders by gaining a stake in the company’s potential success.

2. Rewards Crowdfunding

Rewards crowdfunding involves people contributing funds to a project or Business, and, in return, they receive non-financial rewards. These rewards can include early access to products, exclusive perks, or other incentives.

3. Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Donation-based crowdfunding is a fundraising approach where individuals donate money to a cause without expecting any financial returns. This method is often used for charitable or community-oriented initiatives. It allows contributors to support a cause they believe in.

Crowdfunding Platforms

Following is an overview of some note-worthy and famous crowdfunding platforms:

1. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a rewards-based crowdfunding platform where creators showcase their projects, and backers contribute money in exchange for rewards.

2. Indiegogo

Indiegogo supports both rewards-based and equity crowdfunding campaigns. It serves a wide range of project categories.

3. GoFundMe

GoFundMe is primarily used for donation-based crowdfunding. It is often chosen for personal causes, medical expenses, or charitable initiatives.

4. Seedrs

Seedrs is an equity crowdfunding platform which is primarily focused on startups and early-stage businesses. It allows investors to become shareholders in the companies they support.

5. Crowdcube

Crowdcube is a UK-based equity crowdfunding platform that connects investors with startup and growth-stage businesses. It provides opportunities for investors to own shares in high-potential ventures.


So, here, we have provided you with a thorough understanding of the diverse categories of startup funding. Always remember that choosing the right funding strategy requires careful consideration of various factors. These factors include the nature of the Business, growth projections, and the entrepreneur’s risk tolerance. It is a very challenging process to secure the right startup funding option. Moreover, you should be aware that incorporating these various funding options into your startup journey can set you face-to-face with sustainable growth and success. So, remember this one cardinal rule: the right funding option for your Business is the one that aligns with your goals, values, and vision for the future. With a solid understanding of these funding options, you’ll be better equipped to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.